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howard stringer中文是什么意思

用"howard stringer"造句"howard stringer"怎么读"howard stringer" in a sentence


  • 霍华德・史特林
  • 史俊格
  • 斯丁格


  • Howard stringer , chairman of the afi board of trustees , called connery " an artist of the highest order . " though best remembered for creating one of the great film heroes of all time , his talents transcend typecasting , " stringer said
    斯金格说: “尽管他在人们心中留下印记是因为长期以来他塑造了一个伟大的银幕英雄,但他表现出来的才能已经超越了这类角色。
  • The turnaround plan comes under the fresh leadership of howard stringer , a british - american dual citizen who was named chief executive of the japanese electronics and entertainment company in march as the first foreigner to head sony
用"howard stringer"造句  
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